Foundation for disaster recovery

Foundation for disaster recovery

As we all know we the global disasters are highly increasing in the recent days. Many countries all over the world are getting affected severely because of these disasters. Some countries may have better background and financial assistance to overcome the losses caused by these disasters; while some countries may require help from various organizations from various parts of the world. Pakistan can be considered to be the country which often gets affected by the disasters. Because of this, more number of people has lost their life, family, belongings and many are left without any kind of support.

Dawood foundation

Bashir Dawood

In order to help these people many social foundations have come forward. The Dawood foundation can be considered to be one among them. They are not just one, but they have made various contributions to provide a new life for the people who are affected by these disasters. They are helping out even small villages of Pakistan. The foundation is trying to bring the life back for the people who are severely affected by various disasters. During the disaster, they tend to help the victims by providing them good shelter, food and other facilities needed for them. The most important thing is Bashir Dawood has allotted a huge fund for providing good health care for the victims who are affected by the disaster. And they have been a great support for the victims who are emotionally affected by the disaster. In order to know more about their contribution for the global disasters and to seek their help, one can make use of their online website.